Government of Karnataka constitutes a Grievance Redressal Mechanism for Citizens to forward their Complaints on CAB.

The State Government of Karnataka on 2nd June 2021 has established grievance redressal mechanism for citizens to forward their complaints on violations of COVID-19 Appropriate Behavior (CAB) in public areas.

Non compliance with recommended COVID-19 Appropriate Behavior (CAB) like compulsory wearing of mask, maintaining physical distancing (> 2 meters), practicing hand hygiene, etc. in public areas shall be reported to the grievance redressal mechanism.

The following Toll free numbers should be accessed to submit complaint in Bangalore (i) 1912 (ii) 100 and (iii) 112 – email and for other districts in Karnataka, the following Toll free numbers shall be accessed to submit complaint: -(i) 104 (ii) 100 and (iii) 112, email lD:

The Deputy Commissioners shall verify the complaints received for their authenticity and take appropriate action in terms of the provisions of the Epidemic Diseases Act-2020 and Disaster management Act, 2005.