The Government of Goa on 3rd November 2022, notified the Grant for Incubation Centers within educational Institutes Scheme which shall be applicable to educational institutes in Goa, affiliated to a recognized public university.
All educational institutes in Goa, affiliated to a recognized public university, can avail a onetime grant of up to INR 10 lakh towards capital expenses, for setting up of an incubator within their institute campuses. The educational institutes with existing incubation facilities can also avail the grant for capital expenses for further expansion of incubation facilities. Maximum number of institutes to avail this benefit cannot exceed 15 per year. The institutes claiming the benefits under this scheme cannot restrict the incubation facilities only to the students of their institute.
The educational institutes with existing incubation facilities will also be provided a grant of up to INR 3 lakh per year, for a period of three years, towards operational expenses. The preference will be given to well performing applicants.
The educational institutes that desire to claim incentives under this scheme shall submit the application form to SITPC along with requisite set of documents. The form and the documents are to be e-mailed or to be submitted on the web portal to the SITPC and the applicants applying within first 3 years of the policy period only will be considered for one time grant.