Government of Odisha on 12.04.2021 has issued Advisory for activation of Government and Private Covid facilities in the
districts which were utilized during the 1st phase of Covid-l9 pandemic. The following guidelines shall be followed scrupulously:
- The Government and Private Covid facilities which were functionalized during the 1st phase of Covid-19 pandemic shall be activated in a phase wise manner with an increment of 50 beds at a time when needed. The number of ICU shall be 20o/o of general beds and availability of ventilators shall be at least 50% of all lCUs.
- One Authorized Medical Officer (AMO) and one Authorized Person, OAS (AP) shall be appointed for Covid facility/ies and the name and contact numbers shall be intimated to the Govt. in the email ID.
- ln big facilities having more than 100 beds, shall preferably have facilities for surgery (all type), maternity care, NICU and dialysis.
- All the Private Hospitals under Odisha Clinical Establishment Act having 30 beds or more must have at least 10% of available beds (General bed & ICU) reserved for Covid patients. They shall increase the facility up to 80 % of available General beds and ICUs in a phase wise manner as per the rise in incidence of Covid patients.
- On activation of any Covid facility intimation shall be made to Government for obtaining post facto approval for the same. For Private Covid facilities negotiation shall be made with the earlier funding parties for reimbursement and an appropriate agreement (tripartite/bipartite) shall be signed indicating the date of functioning, number of beds, and approved rates.