The Code on Wages (Bihar) Rules, 2021.

The State Government of Bihar vide its notification dated 18th February 2021 has published the Code on Wages (Bihar) Rules, 2021 which shall extend to the whole of Bihar.

The Rule specifies the manner of calculating the minimum rate of wages and the norms for fixation of minimum rate of wages.

The minimum rate of wages shall be fixed on a day basis keeping in view the following criteria , namely,  the standard working class family which includes a spouse and two children apart from the earning worker; an equivalent of three adult consumption units; A net intake of 2700 calories per day per consumption unit; 66 meters cloth per year per standard working class family; Housing rent expenditure to constitute 10 per cent of food and clothing expenditure; Fuel, electricity and other miscellaneous items of expenditure to constitute 20 percent of minimum wage; and Expenditure for children education, medical requirement, recreation and expenditure on contingencies to constitute 25 percent of minimum wage.

Further, if any amount payable to an employee under the Code is due after his death or on account of his whereabouts not being known, and the amount could not be paid to the nominee of the employee until the expiry of three months from the date the amount had become payable, then, such amount shall be deposited by the employer with the authority having jurisdiction, who shall disburse the amount to the person nominated by the employee after ascertaining his identity within two months of the date on which the amount was so deposited with him.