Vision Meet on “Insurance for All” by 2047

The “Insurance for All” Vision Meet was hosted by insurance councils on August 23rd and 24th, 2024, in Mumbai, was a pivotal event aimed at laying the groundwork for the vision of “Insurance for All by 2047”. The primary objective of the meeting was to collaboratively craft foundational framework that would guide the vision of achieving Insurance for All.

A major focus was on defining the concept of “Insurance for All” and developing mechanisms to measure
and monitor progress towards this goal. Participants explored the necessity of diversifying insurance products and providers to better reflect the diverse demographics of India. Expanding distribution channels was also a key topic, aimed at ensuring that insurance products are accessible to every segment of society.

Additionally, the discussions covered strategies for providing affordable insurance products, integrating advanced technology, and enhancing the role of the State Insurance Plan. All these discussions and deliberations were aimed at developing a detailed roadmap to achieve the “Insurance for All” vision by 2047.