Updated List of Dental Colleges Defaulting on Anti-Ragging Measures

The Dental Council of India (DCI) has published two lists of defaulting dental colleges on matters concerning anti-ragging. These lists were published on July 3 and July 5, 2024.

These two lists are as follows:

  • List of defaulter Dental Colleges who have not:
    • conducted Anti Ragging Orientation Program 2023-24 and/or
    • uploaded Anti Ragging Orientation Program 2023-24 Report on DCI Anti Ragging Online Module.

This list enumerates 43 dental colleges that have failed to:

  1. conduct the anti-ragging Orientation Program and/ or
  2. upload the report of this program

It may be recalled that when DCI last made the assessment of defaulting dental colleges on March 7, 2024, the number of defaults stood at 163. Now, by the present notice, the DCI has listed 43 dental colleges that are still in default for not complying with the above requirements.

  • List of defaulter Dental Colleges who have not uploaded Anti Ragging Report, Oct 2023 on DCI Anti Ragging Online Module.

The second list mentions 16 dental colleges that have not uploaded the Anti Ragging Report, Oct 2023. When, last assessed on March 7, 2024, this number of defaulting colleges stood at a monumentally at 107.

The following are the state-wise break-up of these defaulting colleges:

  • Maharashtra- 3
  • Karnataka -1
  • Delhi- 2
  • Punjab- 2
  • Madhya Pradesh- 1
  • Uttar Pradesh- 2
  • Chattisgarh-1
  • Kerala-1
  • Haryana-1
  • Orrisa- 1
  • Telangana- 1