Union Minister for Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying inaugurates Mobile Veterinary Units (MVUs) to provide veterinary services at the farmer’s doorstep.

The Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying on 8th May 2022, has inaugurated Mobile Veterinary Units (MVUs) in Karnataka to provide veterinary services at the farmer’s doorstep based on the phone calls received at the Call Centre from the farmers.

The overall aim of the ‘Livestock Health & Disease Control programme’ of Government of India is to improve the animal health by way of implementation of prophylactic vaccination programmes against various diseases of livestock and poultry, capacity building, disease surveillance and strengthening of veterinary infrastructure.

The Call Centre would function as the pivot whilst rendering the mobile veterinary services. It should receive calls from livestock rearers / animal owners and transmit them to the Veterinary doctor at the Call Centre. The decision of directing the MVU would be on the emergent nature of the veterinary case as decided by the Veterinary doctor at the Call Centre. The Call Centre should also confirm actual services through the UID and mobile number of the animal owner and share the data with the State concerned.

The component “ESVHFD-MVU” (Establishment & Strengthening of Veterinary Hospitals & Dispensaries – Mobile Veterinary Units )under Central Sector Scheme “Livestock Health & Disease Control” provides veterinary health services at farmers’ door-steps through Mobile Veterinary Units. The services are to be operated through Call Centers in the State/UTs, the farmers in case of any emergency will make call to these call centers and after prioritizing the emergencies, the services for diagnosis and treatment will be provided by a team of Veterinarian & Para-veterinarian in these Mobile Veterinary Units.