UGC extends deadline to send Feedback on the Draft Comprehensive Accessibility Guidelines and Standards for Higher Educational Institutions and Universities.

The University Grant Commission on 7th March 2022 has extended the deadline for seeking Feedback/Suggestions on the draft guidelines from the stakeholders up to 25rh March,2022 on University Activity Monitoring Portal (UAMP) of UGC at .The draft has been prepared with an aim of ensuring that persons with disabilities (PwD) have easy access to higher education. 

To provide an accessible environment to persons with disabilities to live independently and participate fully in all aspects of their educational life, HEIs shall be committed to promoting inclusive practices by

  • ensuring a barrier-free and an inclusive mechanism to help in the admission process,
  • taking appropriate measures to ensure universal accessibility,
  • making adequate provisions and facilities for teaching so that all students including those having disabilities undertake their studies;
  • developing and supporting technology tools for better participation and learning outcomes.; and
  • facilitating participation in corporate life on an equal basis with others.