The University Grant Commission on 8th April 2022 has directed all higher educational institutions to ensure compliance of the UGC regulations and award the degree to all successful candidates within the prescribed timeline. The HEIs are also requested to issue provisional degree along with the final year transcripts to students.
Regulation 4.4 of UGC (Grant of Degrees and Other Awards by Universities) Regulations, 2008 mandates that:
“The Degree award date/s shall be within 180 days of the date/s by which the students are expected to qualify and become eligible for them.
Since, the commission has been receiving a large number of grievances/complaints/RTls/ queries from students enrolled in different programs of study offered by Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) regarding the delay in awarding the Degrees, the above direction has been issued to all HIEs.
Further the commission shall take punitive actions under Regulation 9 of UGC (Grievance Redressal) Regulation 2012 against the universities failing to comply with the UGC regulations on award of degree.