TRAI releases Recommendations on Market structure/competition in cable TV services.

The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) on 7th September 2022 issued its recommendations on the Market structure/competition in cable TV services. In view of sufficient competition in the cable television distribution sector at present, the Authority recommends that there is no need to introduce any additional regulations or take any corrective measures to enhance the level of competition in cable TV distribution sector. However, developments may be monitored and intervention as felt necessary shall be considered at appropriate time.

The Authority recommends that the Government may take suitable measures to facilitate and promote sharing of cable infrastructure by Local cable operator with Telecom Service Providers to enable last mile for provision of broadband services. The Government may issue necessary amendments to existing rules/ guidelines, to enable use of last mile infrastructure created by cable operator by TSPs for promoting broadband connections.

The Government may amend the rules under the Cable Television Networks (Regulation), Act 1995 to explicitly indicate the following:

“Cable operators may strive to provide last mile access to Access service providers/Internet Service Providers in a fair, transparent and non-discriminatory manner for proliferation of broadband services.”