The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has released its Recommendations on “Issues related to Low Power Small Range FM Radio Broadcasting”. The salient features of the recommendations are given below:
- Introduction of a new category of service provider called ‘Low Power Small Range FM Radio Broadcasting’ for provision of low power small range FM Radio.
- License/registration/authorization to be granted through a simple registration process via an online application portal.
- Approval by Telecom Engineering Centre (TEC) for transmitting equipment for low power small range FM broadcasting.
- Eligible entities to hold license/ registration/ authorization for ‘Low Power Small Range FM Broadcasting’
- No application/entry fee should be levied.
- License/ Permission/Authorization Fee of Rs. 1000/- for a permission of up to thirty days and Rs. 10,000/- per annum for a permission of five years.
- WPC should conduct a thorough evaluation and reserve appropriate frequency spots for the specific needs of low-power, small-range FM broadcasting.
- Frequency for low power small range FM broadcasting should be assigned administratively by WPC through online portal within two days of submitting the application.
- License/Registration/Authorization holders for low power small range FM broadcasting should be allowed to deploy any type of transmission technologies (analog/digital / any other).
- The maximum permissible transmission range of ‘Low Power Small Range Radio Broadcasting’ should be 500 meters.
- The licensed area of frequency assignment in case of low power small range FM be defined as location-specific based on the precise geographical coordinates such as longitude and latitude of the of the intended service location (be it a building, stadium, convention center, expo area etc.).
- Maximum permissible transmission power should be 1 watt for low power small range FM broadcasting.