Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has released a Consultation Paper on “Assignment of Spectrum in E&V Bands, and Spectrum for Microwave Access (MWA) & Microwave Backbone (MWB)” dealing with the following issues:
- Applicable reserve price, band plan, block size, quantum of spectrum, duration of assignment, scope of services/ usages, spectrum cap, payment terms, eligibility condition, methodology of auction and other associated conditions for auction of E band spectrum for establishment of terrestrial and/ or satellite based telecom networks;
- Applicable reserve price, band plan, block size, quantum of spectrum, duration of assignment, scope of services/ usages, spectrum cap, payment terms, eligibility condition, methodology of auction and other associated conditions for auction of V band spectrum for establishment of terrestrial and/ or satellite based telecom networks;
- Quantum of spectrum to be earmarked for non-commercial/ captive/ isolated use in E and V bands; and methodology of assignment, where auction is not feasible and pricing for the same;
Feasibility, including technical parameters, for allowing low power, indoor, consumer device-to-consumer device usage on license-exempt basis, in parallel to use of the auction-acquired spectrum by telecom service providers for establishment of terrestrial and/ or satellite based telecom network, in part or full V band; - A fresh recommendation on allocation methodology, quantum and pricing of MWA and MWB RF carriers in 6/ 7/ 13/ 15/ 18/ 21 GHz bands, for establishment of terrestrial and/ or satellite based telecom networks as well as for non-commercial/ captive/ isolated use;
Written comments on the issues raised in the consultation paper are invited from stakeholders by 25th October 2023 and counter-comments by 8th November 2023. The comments/ counter-comments may be sent, preferably in electronic form on the email ID: For any clarification/ information, Shri Akhilesh Kumar Trivedi, Advisor (Networks, Spectrum & Licensing), TRAI may be contacted at Telephone Number +91-11-23210481.