Unwarranted calls and SMSs which are also known as Unsolicited Commercial Communications (UCC) are regulated by Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI). TRAI has issued Telecommunications Commercial Communications Consumers Preference Regulations, 2018 (TCCCPR-2018) which deals with UCC. TRAI has issued amendment to TCCCPR-2018 dated 12.02.2025. The TCCCPR-2018 regulations have been followed by a number of Directions for implementation of provisions of the regulations. TCCCPR-2018 and Directions have provisions for:
- Registering preferences for Commercial Communication where a telecom subscriber can opt to block all commercial communications or can selectively block commercial communications as per preference categories and registering complaint against senders of UCC through Mobile App, sending SMS to short code 1909 and calling on 1909.
- Blacklisting of Registered Entities and Telemarketers for violation of TCCCPR-2018.
- Action against Unregistered Telemarketer (UTM) such as giving a warning, putting them under Usage Cap or disconnecting in case of repeated violations.
- Financial Disincentives (FDs) against the Access Providers for failing to curb UCC.