TRAI Clarification on ‘Tariff Plan Verification’

Ministry of Communications vide press release dated 20 May, 2023 has issued following clarifications on issue related to Tariff plan verification:

  • Examination of tariff offers filed by telecom companies are being done by Authority in a routine manner to ensure compliance of same with extant regulatory provisions.
  • Examination of Tariff is in vogue for last many years since inception of TTO in the year 1999.
  • There is no special drive being undertaken by TRAI to probe all the past tariff plans filed by telecom companies except those specific plans under examination.
  • Any tariff may be subjected to fresh examination as per statutory mandate of the Authority on receipt of complaint of non-compliance to regulatory principles, including allegation of predatory nature of tariff by any stakeholder including TSP(s).
  • On receipt of specific complaints of alleged predation by few TSPs, the matter is under examination and appropriate action as per regulatory provisions will be taken.