The Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission in its Notification dated 16th November 2019 has issued draft amendments to the Tamil Nadu Electricity Distribution Code, to improve the High Tension (HT) or Low Tension (LT) line ratio, facilitate consumers to obtain supply under the ‘Ease of doing business’ programme of the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP), and provide choice of supply to other consumers.
Highlights of the amendment:
The Amendment is brought under Regulation 26 which deals with Categories of supply in which the following changes has been made:
The existing low tension consumer prior to the notification of amendment whose demand exceeds 112 KW and is within 150 KW may opt to avail supply under LT category subject to the conditions as below:
- Space for erection of a Distribution Transformer by the licensee shall be provided by the consumer.
- The Licensee shall erect a single pole Distribution Transformer in the consumer’s premises with separate mounting arrangement that can hold the Distribution transformer.
- the licensee shall Install a Distribution Transformer with associated equipments.
- The service line shall be maintained by the consumer.
LT Consumers whose demand exceeds 112 KW and who do not opt to avail supply as per the above conditions shall pay fixed charges that is equal to the demand charges per KVA.
The fixed charges shall be – 112 KW multiplied by the fixed charges for LT category + 8 KW multiplied by the demand charges/kVA for HT category notified in the Commission’s Tariff order.
Click here to read the Notification