The Rajasthan State Pollution Control Board issues fresh Guidelines for Mineral Grinding Units

The Rajasthan State Pollution Control Board on 21st July, 2020, issued fresh guidelines for establishment of new mineral grinding units and specifying the requisite pollution control measures for new as well as existing mineral grinding units, thereby superseding all previous guidelines relating thereto.

These guidelines cover general provisions and state that new mineral grinding units can be established on a piece of land or khatedari land so duly converted under the relevant laws or piece of land allotted for that purpose by the competent State Government Authority. Mineral grinding units may also be established and operated within a valid mining lease area as issued by the competent department. If the competent authority for land conversion cancels prevailing land conversion and intimates the same to the Board, then consent to establish or operate, may be revoked. Similarly where a mining lease stands cancelled, the consent to establish and operate shall also be revoked in accordance with laws by the State Board.

Additionally, to mitigate the adverse effects of emissions, the guidelines specify that 33% of the land sought to be used by the industry must be covered by plantation and that at least two rows of tall trees and shrubs are to be planted along all sides of the boundary. Annexure I of this notification covers additional pollution control methods recommended by the CPCB.

The guidelines categorically provide that an application for Consent to Operate must be filed after establishing the plant and at least 4 months before the date of expiry of the Consent to Establish, whichever is earlier, failing which additional consent fees will be payable. In the same vein, the application for Renewal of Consent to Operate must be filed at least 4
months before the date of expiry of the Consent to Operate, non-adherence of which attracts additional consent fees.

Click here to read the Guidelines.


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