The Government of India on 16th September 2022, published the Punjab News Web Channel Policy, 2022 which shall be applicable in the State of Punjab. Under this policy every Channel shall fulfill the following general and technical qualifications to be eligible for empanelment with the Department, namely:-
- only Channels owned and operated by registered companies and firms with State Government or Government of India other than individuals shall be considered for empanelment;
- the Channel or its owner or partners should not be bankrupt or insolvent ;
- the Channel should not have been blacklisted or dis-empanelled by any State Government or Government of India. The applicant shall upload a self declaration to this effect;
- the Channel should have continuously operated under the same name for a minimum period of one years.
- the Channel has to submit the facebook analytics and youtube analytics report for a period of six months before the date of application.
- the Channel should have uploaded at least one hundred fifty news videos or sound bytes or news items (VOs/News Capsules or interviews) with in the period of one month during the period of three months.
The empanelment shall be valid for a period of Two years from the date of empanelment. The Competent Authority may extend the empanelment further for a period of one year at a time. The minimum base rate fixed in a category for the Video ads would be offered to all applicant web channels in the category found eligible on the basis of minimum subscriber data.
If any channel telecasts hate speech, violent content, adult nudity and sexual activity, intoxicants (liquor), cruel and insensitive content, personal disputes, false news, misrepresentation, promotional interviews or any other objectionable material, then it shall lead to-
(a) immediate suspension of empanelment of the Channel by the Competent Authority; and
(b) blacklisting of the Channel for a period as may be specified, but not less than six months, by the Competent Authority.