The Punjab State Electricity Regulatory Commission (PERC) has issued the Punjab State Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Generation, Transmission, Wheeling and Retail Supply Tariff) Regulations, 2022 (PSERC MYT Regulations 2022). These Regulations were notified on 27th October 27, 2022. The Regulations shall come into force from 1st April 2022 till 31st March 2026.
These Regulations shall apply where the Commission determines:
(a) Tariff for supply of electricity from a generating plant (excluding Renewable Energy Sources) owned by the Distribution Licensee;
(b) Tariff for supply of electricity by a Generating Company (excluding Renewable Energy Sources) to a Distribution Licensee;
c) Tariff for intra-state transmission of electricity by a Transmission Licensee to an open access customer (including Distribution Licensee);
(d) State Load Despatch Centre (SLDC) fees and charges;
(e) Tariff for wheeling and retail supply of electricity by a Distribution Licensee;
The Regulations also prescribe the principles for determination of Tariff and Norms for Operation for Transmission Business and SLDC Business
The Regulations also detail the requirements for filing of Business Plan/Multi-Year Tariff/True Up/Aggregate Revenue
Annexure A of the Regulation states the Segregation of ARR of Wheeling and Retail Supply Business.