The Municipal Corporation Shimla Erection, Exhibition, Affixation of Advertisement and Hoarding Bye-laws 2020.

The Municipal Corporation Shimla on 23rd April 2022, has published the Municipal Corporation Shimla Erection, Exhibition, Affixation of Advertisement and Hoarding Bye-laws 2020 which shall be applicable within the jurisdiction of Municipal Corporation, Shimla as defined from time to time.

As per the bye-law No advertisement shall be erected, exhibited, affixed or retained upon or over any land building, wall boarding, frame, post or structure or upon in any vehicle or shall be displayed in any manner, whatsoever in any place within the Municipal area including private land and buildings without the written permission of the Commissioner granted in accordance with these bye-laws.

Applicant or the person concerned, intending to erect, exhibit and affix the advertisement hoardings within the area of the Corporation, shall in writing submit the detail of the location/site, size of hoarding to be occupied for such installation to the Commissioner/Additional/Joint Commissioner or the Officer authorized in this behalf.

The application submitted by the applicant shall be verified by the concerned branch dealing with hoarding permission who shall after spot inspection process the same for the approval of the authority for grant of necessary permission in favour of the applicant after assessing the hoarding charges for erection, affixation and exhibition of such hoarding and convey the same to the applicant before granting permission.

However no advertisement hoarding shall be erected on sharp and blind curves and should not be located in oblique to the road on any natural water source, tree, water line, Municipal drain, fire hydrant and on garbage container and at a place where it effects the growth of flora etc.