The MoRT&H issues Office Memorandum on SOP for Validation of National Highways Network and other logistics and allied projects on PM GatiShakti Portal

The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRT&H) issues Office Memorandum on SOP for Validation of National Highways Network and other logistics and allied projects on PM GatiShakti Portal. This Office Memorandum was issued on 26th December, 2022.

MoRT&H has mapped -1,41,000km of National Highways network and uploaded its GIS mapping on the P GatuShakti National Master Plan (NMP) portal.

MoRT&H has planned to update and validate the entire NHs Network on the Portal. This must be completed by the 31st January, 2023. Hence the field officers of Roads Wing, NHAI, NHIDCL and BRO shall urgently validate the network available on the portal based on actual/ GIS-based surveys in terms of KMZ/ KML files.

The notification also encloses a SOP which must be followed for the validation of the NHs Network Network and other logistics and allied projects on PM GatiShakti Portal.