The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting on 17th June 2021 has published the Cable Television Networks (Amendment) Rules, 2021 which provides a statutory mechanism for redressal of grievances/complaints of citizens relating to content broadcast by television channels in accordance with the provisions of the Cable Television Network Act, 1995.
As per the amended rule 16, Any person aggrieved by the content of a programme of a channel as being not in conformity with the Programme Code or the Advertising Code may file his complaint in writing to the broadcaster.
The broadcaster shall, within twenty-four hours of complaint being filed, generate and issue an acknowledgement to the complainant for his information and record.
A broadcaster shall establish a grievance or complaint redressal mechanism and appoint an officer to deal with the complaints received by it and shall display the contact details related to its grievance redressal mechanism, the name and contact details of its Grievance officer at an appropriate place on its website or interface, as the case may be.