The minimum rates of wages for the employees employed in the following 30 Scheduled Employments in the State of West Bengal shall be effective in the period from 1st January 2024 to 30th June 2024. The Implementing Areas such as Zone A : Areas under Municipal Corporations, Municipalities, Notified Areas, Development Authorities, Thermal Power Plant areas including Township Areas. Zone B Rest of West Bengal.
To arrive at daily rate, monthly rate shall have to be divided by 26 ( to be rounded off to the nearest rupee ) and to arrive at weekly rate, daily rate shall have to be multiplied by 6. A normal working day shall consist of 8 hours of actual work and not less than half hour of recess, subject to 48 hours of actual work in a week. One day in any period of seven days as may suit the local convenience shall be the day of weekly rest. The minimum rates of wages include the wages for weekly day of the rest. Payment for the work done on the day of weekly rest and for work done beyond the normal working hours shall be double the ordinary rates of wages. The minimum rates of wages are applicable to the employees employed by contractor also. The minimum rates of wages for disabled persons shall be same as payable to the workers of appropriate category. The men and women employees shall get the same rates of wages for the same work or work of similar nature. The minimum rates of wages and variable dearness allowance, if any, both together shall constitute the minimum rates of wages to be enforceable under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 ( 11 of 1948 ). Detailed list of minimum wages for various categories of employees will be available in the link given below.