The Major Port Authorities Act, 2021 to come into force on 3rd November 2021.

The Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways on 29th October 2021 has notified 3rd November 2021 as the date on which the provisions of Major Port Authorities Act, 2021 will come into force.

The Act has proposed a simplified composition of the Board of Port Authority which will comprise of 11 to 13 Members from the present 17 to 19 Members representing various interests. A compact Board with professional independent Members will strengthen decision making and strategic planning. Provision has been made for inclusion of representatives of State Government in which the Major Port is situated, Ministry of Railways, Ministry of Defence and Customs, Department of Revenue as Members in the Board apart from a Government Nominee Member and a Member representing the employees of the Major Port Authority.

The Board of each Major Port shall be entitled to create a specific master plan in respect of any development or infrastructure and the Provisions of CSR & development of infrastructure by Port Authority have been introduced.