The interest rates for the credit to the General Provident Fund account is fixed as 7.9% for the quarter

The Department of economic affairs vide notification dated 21st October 2019 has revised the interest rates for the credit of subscribers to account of General provident fund and other similar funds. The interest rate is fixed as 7.9% for the quarter from October 1st to December 31st, 2019.

The Notification also fixes the same interest rate for following funds:

  1. Contributory provident fund
  2. All India service Provident fund
  3. State railway provident fund
  4. India ordinance department provident fund
  5. Indian ordinance factory work men provident fund
  6. Indian navel dockyard workmen’s Provident Fund
  7. Defence Service officers Provident fund
  8. Armed forces personal provident fund
  9. The new rate shall be in force from 1st October 2019.

Click here to read the Notification