The Insecticides (Draft) amendment Rules, 2022.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare on 21st October 2022, notified the Insecticides (Draft) amendment Rules, 2022 and has invited objections/suggestions from the public which shall be addressed to the Joint Secretary (Plant Protection), Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Department of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi-110 001 or through email at within 30 days.

The amendment is brought under rule 4B which states that “A person who applies for manufacturing licence shall possess or shall employ a person possessing the following educational qualification:

  • Doctorate in Chemistry or Agriculture Chemistry or Agriculture chemicals or Master of Technology or Master of Science in Chemical engineering or equivalent for manufacture of technical grade insecticides.
  • Graduate degree in Agriculture or Science with Chemistry as one of the subject for manufacture of insecticides formulation.

 Provided that a person possessing a manufacturing licence on the date of notification of this sub-rule shall be allowed a period of four years to comply with the educational qualification or a period of one year to employ a person possessing the said qualification.