The Haryana Water Resources (Conservation, Regulation and Management) Authority (Second Amendment) Bill, 2022.

The Government of Haryana on 8th August 2022, notified the Haryana Water Resources (Conservation, Regulation and Management) Authority (Second Amendment) Bill, 2022 in which the issue of determination of retail water tariff was deliberated in detail and it emerged that there are a number of departments/corporations/agencies involved in the determination of water tariff to different type of users.

Therefore under section 18 of the Haryana Water Resources (Conservation, Regulation and Management) Authority Act, 2020 the following has been substituted:

“18. Tariff for bulk and treated waste water.- The Authority shall decide tariff for bulk water uses of surface water and of treated waste water on the principles of economy, efficiency, equity and sustainability. The tariff shall be based on volumetric measurements of water consumption and shall be designed reasonably.”

Further the bill has omitted the following provision of sub-section 2 of Section 18 of the Act:

(2) The Authority shall recommend to the Government retail rates of water for individual household, industry or commercial establishment, supplied by concerned entity.