The Governor of Bihar notifies The Bihar Financial (Amendment) Rules, 2020

The Governor of Bihar has notified The Bihar Financial (Amendment) Rules, 2020 by a notification dated 20th August 2020. The Amendment Rules are to be operative with immediate effect and extend to the whole of the state of Bihar.

The Bihar Financial Rules comprise of executive orders of the Governor describing, primarily, the financial powers of different authorities subordinate to the State Government and the procedures to be followed by them to secure and spend funds necessary for the discharge of the functions entrusted to them.

The Amendment seeks to revise The Bihar Financial Rules, 1950 by inserting an additional provision to Rule 30. Rule 30 deals with the General Principles for Contract. These principles relate to terms of contracts, the standard forms of contracts, requirement of proper execution of agreements, price variation clauses, lump-sum contracts, payment of applicable taxes, etc.

The Amendment Rules envisage the addition of a new provision that empowers the State Government to impose restrictions on procurement from bidders from a country/ countries or class thereof. These restrictions are to be imposed on the grounds of defence of India or matters directly or indirectly incidental thereto including national security. Such restrictions are to be imposed by a written order and no procurement can be made in violation of these restrictions.