The Government of Puducherry has formulated a self-certification cum online common inspection scheme for shops and establishments to liberalise the enforcement of labour laws in pursuance of implementation of the business action plan.
The scheme provides for transparency in the implementation of labour laws to effectively protect the interest of employer/employee and also brings in transparency in the inspection procedure by introducing computerized system of risk assessment based inspection.
The online inspection of the establishment shall be based on the number of workers, nature of the activity of the establishment, complaints and the establishment inspected in a year will not be inspected in the next two years and the establishments will be categorized as low, medium and high risk.
Further, the inspection report will be uploaded by the inspecting officer within 48hours of the completion of the inspection in the on-line inspection module.
The following establishments shall be exempted from on-line inspection:
Start-up establishment for a period of 3 years from the date of commencement of work/business, establishments having no employees and establishment submitted combined annual return and having no violations consecutively for 3 years.
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