The Government of Andhra Pradesh notifies a site for common Hazardous and Other Waste Treatment Storage and Disposal Facility

The Government of Andhra Pradesh in its Gazette notification dated 1st November 2019 has notified a site in Nellore district for storage and disposal of Hazardous waste.

Schedule VII of THE HAZARDOUS AND OTHER WASTES (MANAGEMENT AND TRANSBOUNDARY MOVEMENT) RULES, 2016  deals with the duties of the State  Government to identity site (s) for common Hazardous and Other Waste Treatment Storage and Disposal Facility (TSDF), Asses Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) reports and convey the decision of approval of site. The State Government must also, Acquire the site or inform operator of  facility or occupier or association of occupiers to acquire the site, Notify sites and Publish periodically an inventory of all potential or existing disposal sites in the State or Union Territory.

Therefore though this notification the state government of Andhra Pradesh has notified “Sy.No. 20-2P1, 20-2P2, 20-2P3, Raviguntapalli Village, Bojjanapalli Gram Panchayat, Rapur Mandal, SPSR Nellore District” as Site for Common Hazardous and Other Waste Treatment Storage and Disposal Facility (TSDF).

Click here to read the Notification