The Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) Third Amendment Regulations, 2021

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India on 26th July, 2021 has issued the Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) Third Amendment Regulations, 2021. The amendment directs manufacturers and traders of oil that if the oil is obtained by the method of solvent extraction, it shall be supplied for human consumption only after refining. The oil so refined shall not contain hexane more than 5.0 ppm. The oil obtained by expelled pressed method shall be free from hexane residues. These directions are applicable to following types of oil:

  1. Groundnut oil
  2. Flaxseed or Linseed Oil
  3. Rapeseed oil (toria oil) or mustard oil
  4. Poppy seed oil
  5. Safflower seed oil
  6. Imported Safflower seed oil and Safflower seed oil (High Oleic Acid – Imported or domestic)
  7. Taramira Oil
  8. Til Oil (Gingelly or sesame oil)
  9. Niger seed Oil (Sargiya ka tel)
  10. Soyabean Oil
  11. Maize (Corn)Oil
  12. Watermelon seed oil
  13. Sunflower seed Oil-High Oleic acid and
  14. Avocado oil