The Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways on 22nd February 2022 has notified the Draft Inland Vessels [Crew and Passenger Accommodation] Rules 2022 and has invited comments/suggestions from the public which shall be addressed to the Director (IWT), Ministry of Ports, Shipping & Waterways, Room No. 439, Transport Bhawan, 1-Parliament Street, New Delhi-110001, or by email at and within a period of 30 days.
As per the rules, All existing inland vessels shall comply with the requirements existing prior to coming into force of these rules and the owner/operator and master of the new inland vessels, shall ensure that the vessel is constructed, maintained and operated under the requirements related to standards for the accommodation of crew and passengers, as provided under these rules and the vessel is suitable for its intended service.
Every part of the crew accommodation, other than pantries, laundries drying rooms, lockers, storerooms sanitary accommodation, passageways, offices, shall be properly lighted by natural light and the community living quarters shall, as far as possible, provide a way out.
The floor area of Mess rooms shall be not less than 0.7 square meter per person. The number of persons to be taken into account for this may be limited to 70% of the total crew on board and the floor area of sleeping cabins shall be at least2.5 square metres per person in general. For sleeping cabins accommodating more than one person, the minimum floor area may be reduced to 1.75 square metres per person.
There shall be available a supply of fresh water sufficient for the wash basins, baths and showers fitted in compliance with these Rules. Each crew member living on board shall have an individual berth and an individual clothes locker fitted with a lock.