The Draft Industrial Relation (Bihar) Rules, 2021.

The State Government of Bihar vide its gazette notification dated 22nd February 2021 has notified the Draft Industrial Relation (Bihar) Rules, 2021 which shall extend to whole of the state of Bihar.

Key Highlights from the rules:

  • The written agreement between the employer and worker shall be in Form-I and shall be signed by the parties in the agreement and a copy thereof shall be sent to the concerned Conciliation Officer.
  • The number of members constituting the Committee shall be fixed so as to afford representation to the various categories, groups and class of workers engaged in, and to the sections, shops or departments of the establishment, Provided that the total number of members of the Works Committee shall not exceed twenty
  • The representatives of the employer in the Works Committee shall be nominated by the employer and shall, as far as may be possible, be officials in direct touch with, or associated with, the working of the industrial establishment.
  • Any aggrieved worker may file an application stating his dispute therein before the Grievance Redressal Committee giving his name, designation, employee Code, Department where posted, length of service in years, category of worker, address for correspondence, contact number, details of grievances, and relief sought. Such applications may be sent electronically.
  • The payment of minimum subscription by member of Trade Union which shall not be less then One hundred rupees per annum for rural and unorganized sector workers and Three hundred rupees per annum for workers in any other cases.
  • The annual return to be furnished under section 26 shall be submitted electronically to the Registrar by the 31st day of July in each year and shall be in Form IX
  • The standing order finally certified by certifying officer shall be sent electronically except in the case of deemed certification under section 30.
  • The certifying officer shall maintain electronically, a register of all standing orders certified or deemed to have been certified or adopted model standing orders of all the concerned industrial establishments.