The Chandigarh Minimum Wages Notification, applicable from October 1st, 2023, to March 31st, 2024, has been issued. The Half-Yearly Cost of Living Index numbers for industrial workers in Chandigarh, with base years 2001=100 and 2016=100, provided by the Labour Bureau for the representative months from April 2023 to September 2023, are as follows: 2072, 2078, 2078, 2157, 2172, and 2141. The average Cost of Living Index number calculated for these six months up to September 2023 is 2116. Compared to the previous quarter ending in March 2023, where the Cost of Living Index stood at 2040 points, there has been an increase of 76 points in the average index. The neutralization rate per point for minimum rates of wages for monthly rated employees under the Minimum Wages Act is RS 7. Consequently, the minimum wages for each category of employees have been raised by Rs 532 for the 76-point increase. To determine the payable minimum wage rates for both monthly and daily rated employees for the period commencing from October 1st, 2023, to March 31st, 2024, please refer to the provided link. This Notification was published on 06.03.2024.
Framework for Service Authorizations for provision of Broadcasting Services under the Telecommunications Act, 2023
As per the extant guidelines for various broadcasting services, licenses/permissions/ registrations are issued by Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (MIB) under Section 4 of the