The Central Motor Vehicles Draft Amendment Rules, 2021.

The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways on 23rd April 2021 has notified the Central Motor Vehicles Draft Amendment Rules, 2021 and the draft rules shall be taken into consideration after the expiry of a period of 30 days from the date on which the copies of this notification, as published in the Gazette of India, are made available to the public.

The Ministry through this draft has substituted the term Special Purpose Vehicle under rule 2(zd) which means a motor vehicle so constructed or altered to serve as a specific transportation requirement of goods and/or passenger transport.

Further the Special Purpose Vehicles, viz, Cash Vans and Mobile Canteen, shall comply with the requirements stated in AIS-163:2020, as amended from time to time and after six months from the date of issue of this notification, Two Wheeled First Responder – Fire, shall comply with the requirements stated in AIS 167:2020, as amended from time to time.

The motor vehicles modified as Motor Caravans shall comply with AIS 124:2014, as amended from time to time, till the corresponding BIS specifications are notified under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act 2016.