The Central Motor Vehicles Draft Amendment Rules, 2020.

The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways on 28th December 2020 has published the Central Motor Vehicles Draft Amendment Rules, 2020 to further the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989 and the ministry has invited Objections or suggestions from the public if any, which may be sent to the Joint Secretary (MVL, Transport, Toll), Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, Transport Bhawan, Parliament Street, New Delhi-110 001, Email:

The Amendment brings in a new sub rule 9 under rule 125 which states that every vehicles manufactured on and after 01st Day of April 2021, in the case of new models, and 01st day of June 2021, in the case of existing models, shall be fitted with airbag for the person occupying the front seat, other than the driver.

The requirement for such airbags shall be as per AIS 145, as amended from time to time, till the corresponding Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) specifications are notified under the Bureau of Indian Standards act, 2016.


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