The Central Government amends exemptions of duty credit scrip on exports under RoSCTL

The Central Government has amended the customs duty exemption against Scrips issued by the Regional Authority under the Scheme for Rebate of State and Central Taxes and Levies (RoSCTL) Scheme.

The Central Government has made this amendment to its Original Notification as it felt the same was necessitated in public interest.

This notification, therefore, states that for the purpose of availing the exemption, the duty credit in the scrip must be issued against the export of the goods under the RoSCTL scheme.

Furthermore, in such a case the order permitting clearance and loading of goods for exportation must be made on or after the 7th March, 2019 and till the happening of the earlier of the following two dates:

  1.  31st March, 2021 or
  2. the date on which the RoSCTL scheme is merged with the Remission of Duties and Taxes on Exported Products scheme.

Prior to this amendment, the benefit of the exemption under this condition was available only till 31st March, 2020. This period has now been extended till the above specified two dates. Hence the Central Government has extended the benefits available under this provision.