The Bureau of Indian Standards (Conformity Assessment) Amendment Regulations, 2022.

The Bureau of Indian Standards on 16th March 2022 has published the BIS (Conformity Assessment) Amendment Regulations, 2022 to further amend the Bureau of Indian Standards (Conformity Assessment) Regulations, 2018.

Through this amendment a new scheme called as Conformity assessment scheme for grant of licence to use or apply Standard Mark for goods and articles as per the specified requirements has been inserted.

Under this Scheme, the manufacturer may be granted a licence for demonstration of conformity of goods or articles, hereinafter referred to as the products, to the specified requirements and the specified requirements may be given in the relevant standard or essential requirements specified for the product or both;

The Bureau may grant certificate of conformity instead of licence in case the product is not desired to be manufactured on a continuous basis and in such a case, the manufacturer shall not be authorised to use the Standard mark.

Each product or the package or both shall be marked with the Standard Mark in case of licence, as specified in Annexure – I.  The Standard Mark shall carry the licence number and any other reference to the specified requirement in a visible manner and shall be as specified in the licence.

If the Standard Mark cannot be applied on the product or the packaging physically, it shall be given on the test certificate. For certificate of conformity, the certificate of conformity number shall be marked on the product or package or both. The copy of certificate of conformity shall be provided with the product.

The licence shall be granted initially for not less than three years and upto six years. The licence may be renewed for a further period of not less than three years and upto six years.