Telecommunications (Right of Way)Rules, 2024

The Department of Communication has issued draft the Telecommunications (Right of Way) Rules, 2024. They shall come into force on the 1st day of January, 2025. Stakeholders can send comments within 30 days of publication of these draft rules.

A facility provider seeking right of way in any public property for the purposes of establishment, operation or maintenance of underground telecommunication network, shall submit an application in such form and manner, as provided on the portal, by the concerned public entity which has ownership, control or management over such public property, along with following supporting documents;

  1. Details of the underground telecommunication network proposed to be laid;
  2. If the right of way pertains to existing telecommunication network, a copy of as-built drawings of such telecommunication network;
  3. Details of the mode of and the estimated duration for execution of the work;
  4. Details of the estimated time of the day when the work is expected to be done, in case the facility provider expects the work to be done during specific time of the day;
  5. Details of the estimated expenses the public entity may incur in consequence of the work proposed to be undertaken by the facility provider;
  6. Details of the inconvenience that is likely to be caused to the public and the specific measures
  7. proposed to be taken to mitigate such inconvenience;
  8. Details of the specific measures proposed to be taken to ensure public safety during the execution of the work;
  9. Details of the need of facility provider for access to the telecommunication network sought to be established, for operating and maintaining such network;
  10. Names and contact details of the employees of the facility provider for the purposes of communication in regard to the application made; and
  11. Details of any other matter relevant, in the opinion of the facility provider, connected with or related to the work proposed to be undertaken.