The Telangana State Pollution Control Board has directed all Producers, Importers and Brand-Owners to obtain registration under Plastic Waste Management Rules from CPCB, if operating in more than two States/ UTs and from concerned State Pollution Control Boards (SPCB), if operating in one or two States/UTs only. Those PIBOs who have not yet applied for registration are informed that they shall submit application for registration complete in all respects, to CPCB (for those operating in more than two States/UTs) and TSPCB (if operating only in Telangana) latest by May 15, 2021. Action, as deemed fit under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, including levying of Environmental Compensation and closure of PIBO’s operation, will be taken against defaulters.
Producers, importers & Brand-owners (PIBOs) are required to fulfil Extended Producers Responsibility (EPR) for the Plastic waste generated due to the products introduced by them in the market.
All PIBOs shall strictly comply with the updated Standard Operating Procedure for Registration of Producers, Importers & Brand-Owners (PIBOs) Under Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016