Tea Board Releases Latest Estimates on Tea Production in February 2024

The Tea Board has issued a notifications on tea production estimates for February 2024. It has also made a comparative analysis of production in February 2023. This notification was issued on March 28, 2024.

This report categorizes tea production into two main types:

  • BG (Big Growers): This refers to tea produced in India by organized sectors.
  • SG (Small Growers): This category includes other types of tea producers from unorganized sectors.

Here’s a breakdown of the key findings in the report:

Overall Production 

There was a slight increase in tea production in February 2024 compared to February 2023. India produced an estimated 16.6 million kilograms of tea in February 2024, as compared to 16.55 million kilograms produced in February 2023.

State Highlights

Assam: Production increased slightly in Assam districts and Cachar but fell in Dooars and Terai. Overall, Assam Valley production decreased from 0.29 million kg to 0.20 million kg.

Darjeeling: There was no tea production reported for February in either 2024 or 2023.

West Bengal: Overall production decreased from 2.87 million kg to 1.29 million kg.

South India: Production increased significantly from 13.32 million kg to 14.97 million kg. This increase can be attributed to higher tea production in Tamil Nadu.

It’s important to note that this report only shows estimates for February 2024.