NMC Issues New Clarifications On AEBAS Implementation In Medical Colleges

The NMC reiterates that it has not mandated the purchase of attendance machines from any specific vendor. The responsibility for procuring AEBAS compliant machines rests with the respective medical colleges. All users, including those facing issues with fingerprint recognition, are encouraged to utilize the face-based Biometric Attendance System (BAS).

NMC Invites Public Opinions On Live Surgery Broadcasts

In the matter of Rahil Chaudhary and ors. v/s Union of India & ors., Mr. Chaudhary, the Petitioner, has contended that private hospitals are commercially using patients for ulterior motives through these broadcasts in conferences. The NMC has invited all stakeholders and public at large to provide their feedback on these matters. The last date for providing this feedback is February 2, 2024.

NMC & DCI Apprise Institutions Of “Pariksha Pe Charcha 2024”

The event will witness the Prime Minister engaging with approximately 1,200 students, along with teachers and parents, addressing various aspects of academic life, examination stress, and overall well-being. The event is scheduled to take place at Bharat Nidhi Bhavan, Pragati Maidan II, New Delhi, on January 29, 2024.

NMC Invites Stakeholder Feedback on National Exit Test (NExT) Implementation

The NExT aims to streamline the assessment process for medical graduates, providing a standardized platform for evaluating their skills and knowledge. To ensure comprehensive and inclusive feedback, all concerned stakeholders are requested to submit their opinions through the designated feedback form. The form must be completed by no later than February 7, 2023.

NMC Publishes FAQs on World Federation for Medical Education

India is gearing up to emerge as a global hub for quality medical education and standard healthcare practices. Central to this advancement is the recent accreditation of the NMC by the World Federation for Medical Education (WFME). The NMC has issued FAQs on WFME on January 18, 2024.

NMC Finalises PG Minimum Standard Requirements

These guidelines, named the “Minimum Standard of Requirements for Postgraduate Courses-2023 (PGMSR-2023),” are set to be implemented with immediate effect. The PGMEB’s PGMSR-2023 guidelines aim to ensure the highest standards in postgraduate medical education, focusing on infrastructure, faculty, technology, and overall quality of training.