Workshop on Solar Thermal Technologies

This workshop aims to engage stakeholders in vital discussions concerning the quality control of Solar Water Heaters (SWH) and the expansion of Concentrated Solar Thermal (CST) technologies for various industrial and institutional applications across India. The event will take place on September 13, 2023, from 10:00 AM to 3:30 PM (IST).

Green Hydrogen Standard for India

A detailed methodology for measurement, reporting, monitoring, onsite verification and certification of green hydrogen and its derivatives is specified by MNRE.

MNRE approves PAU Dry Fermentation Small Biogas Plant Designs

The approved Biogas Plant Designs/ Models will be considered eligible for the benefits under the MNRE’s Biogas Programme. The MNRE also has reserved the right to cancel or modify the approval at any time in the future based on feedback received from end users/ BIS/ Technical Agencies/ Implementing Agencies.