Guidelines On Authorization of EPRETP Operator And Functioning Of EPRETP

To facilitate the trading of EPR certificates, MoEF&CC has mandated the development of an Electronic Trading Platform (ETP). Operators of the ETP must meet stringent eligibility criteria, including financial stability, technological capability, and operational expertise. The ETP will ensure fair and transparent trading of certificates, aiding obligated entities in meeting their EPR targets.

Plastic Waste Processors Must Upload Valid GST e-Invoices on EPR Portal

The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) has issued instructions requiring Plastic Waste Processors (PWPs) to upload valid GST e-Invoices for the sale of their products on the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) portal for plastic packaging. The CPCB emphasizes the importance of thoroughly checking GST e-Invoices before uploading them to the EPR portal.

India Strengthens E-Waste Management with New Action Plan

The rules introduced an improved Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) regime, requiring manufacturers, producers, refurbishers, and recyclers to register on a dedicated portal developed by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB). This move seeks to formalize the e-waste recycling sector, bringing informal operators into a regulated framework and ensuring environmentally sound recycling practices.

Draft Rules For Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Of Non-Ferrous Metals

Manufacturers, producers, collection agents, refurbishers, and recyclers of non-ferrous metals must register with the CPCB. The CPCB will generate EPR certificates for registered recyclers, acknowledging their contribution to recycling efforts. The validity of the extended producer responsibility certificate shall be two years from the end of the financial year in which it was generated.

New Construction and Demolition Waste Management Rules to Take Effect

The Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change has notified the Construction and Demolition Waste Management Rules, 2024, which will come into force on April 1, 2025. The rules aim to regulate the management of waste generated from construction, demolition, remodeling, renovation, and repair activities.

Clarifications Issued on Battery Recycling and Labeling Requirements

The requirement for “minimum use of domestically recycled materials” in battery manufacturing applies to any type of material obtained from recycling waste products within India. For imported batteries or battery packs, the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) registration number can be displayed on either the equipment containing the battery or the packaging of the equipment containing the battery.

Government Extends Deadline for Filing E-Waste Returns

The MoEF&CC has now extended the deadline for registered entities to file quarterly and annual returns on their e-waste management activities. The last date for filing these reports for the 2023-2024 financial year is extended to June 30, 2024.