Delhi-NCR Migrates Inter-city Bus Services To Cleaner Modes

Upon deliberations with all concerned stakeholders, it was decided that older polluting buses (BS-III and BS-IV) entering Delhi-NCR from neighboring states will be phased out. These buses will be replaced with cleaner options such as Electric Vehicles (EVs), Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) buses and BS-VI diesel compliant buses (latest emission standards). This directive applies to buses operated by state governments, public sector undertakings (PSUs), and private entities.

NCR Construction Sites Face Crackdown for Dust Pollution

The Commission for Air Quality Management (CAQM) in NCR has announced stricter measures to tackle dust pollution from construction and demolition (C&D) activities. CAQM has issued an order highlighting its efforts to combat dust pollution caused by such activities.

Government of Delhi introduces Scheme to Empower people with Disabilities

Delhi government has introduced the “Sugamya Sahayak Scheme,” with the objective of empowering individuals with Benchmark Disabilities (PWBDs) by improving their mobility and capabilities. Spearheaded by Delhi’s Minister of Social Welfare, this initiative is a long-awaited program of the government designed to enhance Mobility and Capability, opening doors to newfound independence and prospects for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PWBDs).

Stage-III of GRAP Revoked In Delhi As Air Quality Improves

Taking into account the disruptive nature of restrictions under Stage-III of GRAP, impacting a large number of stakeholders and the public, and considering the significant improvement in Delhi’s average AQI, the Sub-Committee unanimously decided to revoke Stage-III of GRAP in the entire National Capital Region (NCR) with immediate effect.

Delhi Launches Emergency Measures As Delhi-NCR Air Quality Deteriorates Rapidly

Taking immediate action to prevent further deterioration, the Sub-Committee has decided to invoke Stage-III of the revised GRAP – ‘Severe’ Air Quality (Delhi’s AQI ranging between 401-450) in the entire NCR. This is in addition to the preventive/restrictive actions already in force under Stage-I and Stage-II of GRAP in the region.

GRAP Stage-III Revoked Following Significant Progress

The AQI of Delhi has been progressively on the rise, which is 55 points below the threshold for invoking GRAP Stage-III actions (Delhi AQI 401-450). The forecast by the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) and the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM) suggests a likelihood of sustained improvement in AQI, remaining in the Very Poor/Poor category in the next few days.

Delhi Enforces Stage-III of GRAP As Air Quality Plummets

Sub-Committee has decided to re-invoke all actions under Stage-III of GRAP. This is in addition to the restrictive measures already in force under Stage-I and Stage-II of GRAP across the National Capital Region (NCR). The Sub-Committee emphasizes the importance of collective efforts to mitigate the impact of deteriorating air quality and appeals to citizens to adopt cleaner commuting options, work from home where possible, and minimize activities contributing to pollution.

Air Quality Report for NCR Cities/Towns

The Commission for Air Quality Management in National Capital Region and Adjoining Areas (CAQM) has published the Air Quality Report for NCR Cities/Towns. This report was generated for December 17, 2023 at 4 PM. The latest Air Quality Index (AQI) readings for various cities and towns have been released indicating a diverse range of air quality conditions.