CPCB issues Environmental Guidelines for Stone Crushing Units

Stone crushing operation releases a substantial amount of fugitive dust, which not only pollutes the environment, but also poses a health hazards to the workers and the surrounding population. This poses a challenge to maintain the ambient air quality, which is possible if environmental guidelines predetermined by the industry concerned are followed.

Thermal Power Plants must comply with Emission Norms 

MoEF&CC has specified timelines for SO2 compliance for non-retiring Thermal Power Plants for compliance to emission norms. For non-compliance beyond the specified timelines, MoEF&CC has prescribed environment compensation on the non-retiring thermal power plants.

SPCBs to physically verify PWPs on EPR Portal

The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) has directions for State Pollution Control Boards (SPCBs) or Pollution Control Committees to carry out physical verification of Plastic Waste Processors (PWPs) registered on the EPR Portal.

Guidelines on Design, Construction, O&M and Annual Certification of Coal Ash Ponds

The Guidelines state that because of economic viability, thermal power stations most widely dispose both precipitated fly ash and bottom ash together as a slurry to the pond in which it stored for a longer period. Therefore safe disposal and gainful utilization are the prime concerns to safe guard the interest of environmental system.

Release of Imported Consignments of Producers of 106 EEE items

The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) has clarified that the interim arrangement of release of imported consignments of producers of 106 EEE items may be extended to only those producers who have submitted their application for registration on the EPR Portal.