2024 Transmission License Regulations

Only companies selected through competitive bidding or entities chosen by the government can apply for a license for interstate transmission of electricity. Distribution licensees and bulk consumers developing dedicated transmission lines are exempt from needing a license.

Electricity (Amendment) Rules, 2024

The amendment rules have inserted three new rules, numbered 21, 22 and 23. The prior rule 21 has been re-numbered as 24. These rules seek to address various aspects of power generation, transmission, and open access charges. These amendments aim to streamline the power sector, encourage investments, and enhance operational efficiency.

Draft Electricity (Rights of Consumers) Second Amendment Rules, 2023

These rules state that on request of any owner or occupier of any premise in a Group Housing Society or Residential Colony or Resident Welfare Association, the distribution licensee shall provide individual connection for supply of electricity. The draft rules also provide that the distribution licensee shall provide a separate connection for supply of electricity for Electric Vehicle (EV) charging system. Comments or suggestion on these draft rules have been invited up to January 12, 2024. The comments shall be in a word file and can be emailed to debranjan.chattopadhyay@nic.in and narendra.kumar65@nic.in

Draft Electricity (Late Payment Surcharge and Related Matters) (Amendment) Rules 2023

These proposed amendments aim to create a more accountable and efficient electricity payment system, providing clear guidelines for addressing non-payment issues while maintaining a balance between the interests of generating companies and distribution licensees. The emphasis is on timely payments and securing the power supply chain for a robust and sustainable energy ecosystem.

MoP withdraws Guidelines regarding Discoms drawing Power after Expiry of PPA

Post PPA expiration, both parties are afforded the liberty to decide whether to enter into another agreement for the purchase or sale of power. Alternatively, the generator has the option to sell power through exchanges or enter into bilateral agreements with entities of their choosing. This approach ensures the establishment of a fair and competitive marketplace.

CERC announces June 2023 Escalation Rates for Power Procurement by Distribution Licensees

In accordance with the Ministry of Power (MOP) notification on “Guidelines for Determination of Tariff by Bidding Process for Procurement of Power by Distribution Licensees,” the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) has released the monthly escalation rates for payment for the procurement of power by distribution licensees for the month of June, 2023.

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Indian Electricity Grid Code) Regulations, 2023

The regulations clarify that any country connected to the National Grid or Regional Grid will be treated as a separate control area. This recognition enables effective planning of generation and transmission resources to meet projected demand while complying with specified reliability standards. Emphasis is placed on integrating environmentally friendly technologies, such as renewable energy sources, flexible resources, energy storage systems, and demand response measures, to manage the intermittent and variable nature of renewable energy sources.