Bureau of Energy Efficiency (Certification of Energy Auditors, Energy Auditors (Building) and Energy Managers) Regulations, 2025
The proposed regulations consolidate the certification procedures for Energy Auditors, Energy Auditors (Building), and Energy Managers under a single framework. The BEE will conduct a National Examination for the certification of these professionals, which will be conducted in English.
Draft Bureau Of Energy Efficiency Ceiling Type Fans Amendment Regulations 2024
The new proposed labels for electric ceiling fans will now include additional information on electricity savings per year (kWh) and CO2 emission reduction per year (KgCO2). The draft amendment regulations also propose to revise the dimensions of the labels on packaging and ceiling motor fan, colour scheme and specific details to be displayed.
Deadlines Extended For Stricter Air Conditioner Energy Efficiency Standards
The Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) has announced an extension of the deadline for energy efficiency standards for air conditioners sold in India. The original deadline was December 31, 2024 and has now been extended to December 31, 2025. Additionally, BEE has also introduced enhanced standards for the upcoming years.
Draft Bureau Of Energy Efficiency (Particulars And Manner Of Their Display On Labels Of Room Air Conditioners) Amendment Regulation, 2024
The draft amendments specify new design elements and content for labels, inviting objections or suggestions to be submitted to the Director-General, Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Ministry of Power, New Delhi.
Energy Consumption Standards for Electric Ceiling Type Fans
Under the new standards, electric ceiling type fans are required to meet safety requirements outlined in paragraph 9 of Indian Standard 374:2019, with additional references to paragraph 8 to 32 of Indian Standard 302 (Part 2/Sec 80) as amended from time to time. Furthermore, these fans must comply with all performance requirements specified in Indian Standard 374:2019 and either carry the Bureau of Indian Standards certification mark or have the manufacturer certified as per IS/ISO 9000 or above.
Ministry of Power Revises Energy Norms for Distribution Transformers
The Ministry of Power (MoP) has issued a notification revising the Energy Performance Standards for Distribution Transformers. The notification extends the validity of energy efficiency norms of distribution transformers that are up to 200kva. These norms will now apply to these distribution transformers until 31st December, 2024.
Star Rating Mandated on Washing Machine Labeling for Energy Efficiency
These regulations represent a significant step forward in promoting energy efficiency and consumer awareness in the washing machine industry, aiming to empower consumers to make more informed purchasing decisions while driving the adoption of energy-efficient appliances. Manufacturers, traders, and sellers in the sector are expected to adapt to these new requirements in the coming months.
Central Government Sets Energy Consumption Norms for Designated Consumers
The specified designated consumers will now have specific energy consumption norms and standards to follow. These norms and standards have been established in relation to the current level of energy consumption. The baseline energy consumption norms and standards serve as a reference point for comparison.
BEE extends the Rated Luminous Efficacy of Tubular Fluorescent Lamps
The notification has extended the rated luminous efficacy in lumens per Watt (lm/W) at 0100 hours of operation, to 1st July, 2023 to 30th June, 2026. Prior to this notification, the rated luminous efficacy was valid from 1st July, 2018 to 30th June, 2023.
BEE notifies Self Ballasted Light Emitting Diode under Standard and Labeling Program
The notification states that self-ballasted LED lamps for general lighting services having rated power from 3 watts to 35 watts, that work on single phase alternating current supply up to and including 250V, 50 Hz are specified for the purpose of the Energy Conservation Act, 2001.