Surveillance and inspection activities undertaken by the commissioner of food safety shall be communicated within 26th June 2020

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India vide Notification dated 18th June 2020 has directed the state commissioners of food safety to carry out surveillance, sampling, and inspections of the premises of honey manufacturing or processing units to check for the presence of the golden syrup/rice syrup in honey periodically and to submit the action report.

The details of the surveillance, sampling, and inspection activities shall be communicated to the Regulatory compliance division along with the action taken report in cases of non-compliance by FBOs latest by 26th June 2020.

Click here to read the notification.


129th Meeting of IRDAI

The 129th meeting of the IRDAI marks a significant moment in the evolution of the Indian insurance industry. With a focus on reinsurance, future-ready initiatives,

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