The Revenue and Disaster Management Department of Tamil Nadu vide its order dated 23rd April 2020 has relaxed certain activities in rural areas and non-containment zones which includes MGNREGA and construction projects.
The government has allowed MNREGA works, especially those related to irrigation and water conservation on rural areas, excluding containment zones and red block areas subject to conditions imposed by the ministry of home affairs.
Further construction projects including irrigation, electric related works, de-silting of tanks etc are allowed in rural areas, i.e. outside the limits of municipalities and municipal corporations, The government has also allowed the continuation of construction work within city limits, on the condition that no workers for a concerned project are brought in from outside.
The District administration before allowing these activities shall ensure that all preparatory arrangements with regard to SOPs for physical distancing in offices, workplaces, factories, and establishment are in place.
Click here to read the Notification.