SEBI to streamline the process of IPOs with UPI in ASBA.

The Securities and Exchange Board of India vide its notification dated 2nd June 2021 has extended the date for implementation of its earlier circular dated 16th march 2021, which has defined the uniform policy to streamline  the processing  of ASBA  applications  through  UPI process among intermediaries/SCSBs and also provided  a  mechanism  of  compensation  to investors.

Based on the representation received from stakeholders, SEBI has extended the automated web portal  to be live  and  operational  after due testing  and  mock  trials  with  the CUG  entities  for  Public Issues opening  on  or  after  1st October,  202.

The SCSB’s shall continue to send SMS alerts during the actual block/debit/unblock of  UPI  mandate in the prescribed format, the details of total number of shares applied/allotted/non-allotted, etc shall be included in SMS for Public Issues opening on/after 1st January 2022.

Further the  process  of unblocking  shall  be  completed  by  T+4 and the Registrar  to  the  Issue  shall  provide  the  allotment/  revoke files  to  the  Sponsor  Bank  by  8:00 PM  on T+3  i.e, the  day when the Basis of Allotment(BOA)has to be finalized.

To ensure that the unblocking is completed on  T+4,  the Lead Managers, on a  continuous basis and before the opening of  the public issue shall take up the matter with the  SCSB’s at the appropriate level.